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Form of energy conversion in which turbines convert the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical or electrical energy that can be used for power. 



Solar energy refers to the conversion of the sun’s rays into useful forms of energy, such as electricity or heat.

Fuel produced from living matter, commonly used as an alternative, cleaner fuel source. this fuel is considered much cleaner than petrol/diesel alternatives and is considered carbon neutral




What's the problem?

The energy problems the world faces are too big, too complex, and coming too fast for us to responsibly hope that new technologies or new discoveries will save the day.  some may include, Running out of energies, such as Gas and Coal, and the most disastrous one, The Global Warming. 






Hydropower is the renewable energy contained in flowing water. Electricity generated using hydropower is known as hydroelectricity and is generally considered to be reliable

Nuclear Energy is the energy that is released during a nuclear reaction. Splitting atoms (fission) and fusing atoms (fusion) both release nuclear energy. Today's nuclear power plants use fission to produce energy, which allow them to generate electricity on a large scale.

Clean coal is a term for technology (Clean coal technology) that mitigates emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gasses that arise from the burning of coal for electrical power

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